Monday, October 13, 2008

A Guide to Color for the Blind


This is to make up for the lack of photo today. Thank You, Will, for the prompt.

A Guide to Color for the Blind

Just so you know, gray is the sound of television static, and white is freshly washed sheets in scent, but not in texture. In texture, it's sea scallops and garlic sauce. In taste as well. Pink is the smell of nail polish, no matter what color it really is, burgundy to lime green, which, by the way, feels springy like a sponge, but tastes of cake batter licked from the spatula. Red is leather, in feel and aroma, but sounds like the sizzle of oil in a hot skillet. Blue is breathing deep and the wind in your hair and the rumble of bass from the sound system of the guy downstairs, pulsing through the floor. Yellow is the feel of the pages of your favorite book between the pads of your fingers, and the dry, crisp smell of it, too. Purple is sore muscles and the kind of tired that seeps into your boned and the feel of your head hitting the pillow. It tastes like the burst of flavor that floods your tongue when you sink your teeth into something crunchy and deep fried. Orange is clearly the sensation of holding hands and walking with someone, especially through fall leaves that gnash their teeth at your heels as you pass through, but smells of nothing more than fresh-cut cedar, with an aftertaste that savors strongly of a baked potato with all the right toppings. Black is the sound of waves crashing onrocks and feels just like your warmest winter jacket, with mittens, a scarf, and earmuffs. A rainbow is your toes curled into rich spring grass, and the rampant, delirious bliss of orgasm. Just so you know."



Anonymous said...

Are we in a photo rut? I know I've been busy with papers and midterms lately, but even when I'm not busy, I'm finding it hard to find anything interesting to photograph.

What about you?

(Oh, also, I'm doing NaNoWriMo in November (National Novel Writing Month), so this might become more of a writing blog for a while if I don't have time for photos. ^_^ )

Jess D said...

Yeah...this blog is becoming a chore for me and I don't like that :( Maybe I need like...a month of photos, then a month off, lol...I dunno!

And, oddly enough, I've been trying to do a writing prompt every day! So, maybe it should be a writing blog for a while, lol!

Anonymous said...

Yay for multimedia blogs!

Also, have you ever tried NaNoWriMo before? It's lots of fun. <-- If you're interested